God is a God of Order

Jacob Jackson
July 25, 2021

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Be turning to Hebrews chapter 6. Our first verse will be coming from there in just a moment.

Hebrews chapter 6

it’s good to see everyone here this morning, especially our visitors which make up about half of our number of this morning. We have a lot of people out for various reasons, and we certainly appreciate that that you are here to encourage us and I hope that we are an encouragement to you as well.

The lesson this morning is title. God is a god of order and I think this is important because we’ve been studying on Wednesday night’s about God’s authority and authority over the church and over Christians and how that he has a plan and he has communicated that plan through his word and because he has … Read more

What’s in a Name?

Tom Segers
July 11, 2021

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I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our visitors today. Thank you so much for being here.

We pray that you would.

Come back again to if you get a chance, we hope that what we say here and what we do will be in accordance with what you have been worshipping ass.

This last song that was sang.

Tells us just about everything. We need to know about Jesus.

In his name should be above all names. We know that for a fact he was the son of God. God was pleased with him. So before I begin my sermon, I just wanted to remind you of that.

The lesson today will be a discussion on what’s in a name.

And I also man’s think Soze.

That’s in … Read more

God Our Master

Andrew Isbell
April 4, 2021

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This morning the topic of my talk this morning is going to be about the kingdom. And God is master god is King and God sitting on the throne and our place in this world in relation to that. We’re going to begin this morning and Matthew 20 Matthew chapter 20 and verse 1

Matthew 20 and verse 14 the Kingdom of Heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire labourers for the vineyard after agreeing with the laborers for a Denarius a day. He sent them into his Vineyard and going out about the third hour. He saw others standing idle in the marketplace and to them. He said you go into the vineyard to and whatever is right. I will give you … Read more

What is Missing in the World

Glenn Isbell
March 28, 2021

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It has to do with the recognition of authority.

And it’s the fear of the Lord and through the questions to ask yourself who has the power in this world?

Who is in control of your life and who has the truth?

And writing about the early Church use Luke recorded in Acts 9:31 acts 9:31. Then had the then had the church’s rest throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria and we ratified and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost will multiply

and then and then Paul told the Philippians that the Philippian Church in Philippians, 2:12, as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and … Read more

Bible Authority

Andy Isbell
May 3, 2020

This is a lesson on basic Bible authority. The Bible teaches us what things are pleasing to God. If we love him, we will do the things that we know will please him.