David and Goliath

Jacob Jackson
November 29, 2020

The account of David and Goliath is not just a children’s story; the events of that day are relevant to us now. When a scary giant challenges us, we must use the power of God to defeat him. Leaning on our own understanding will only enable fear.

What is Truth?

Jacob Jackson
November 1, 2020

We live in a world where the concept of truth is under attack. Truth is defined as something that does not deviate or change. The only thing that can never change is the word of God. It is safe for us to trust in the words of God because they are true and dependable.

Christians and Worry

Andrew Isbell
October 11, 2020

Worry separates us from God. The answer is to be active in our service to God. Our worries only get in the way. Through prayer God gives us the ability to be worry-free.